AMLO’s Policies in Mexico a Year After Winning Elections

AMLO’s Policies in Mexico a Year After Winning Elections

One year after a popular insurrection of people at the polls on July 1, 2018, that led to the victory of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) in the Presidential elections in Mexico, he is trying to do his best to rebuild the nation. The challenge is enormous; even though the President is moved by a…

The People are with Evo: A Glimpse of New Bolivia

The People are with Evo: A Glimpse of New Bolivia

Interview with Rodolfo Machaca Yupanqui [As the general elections in Bolivia are approaching and the campaign for socialist president Evo Morales is gaining vigour, Peoples Dispatch interviewed Rodolfo Machaca Yupanqui, the leader of the Unified Confederation of Bolivian Peasant Workers Union (CSUTCB). The CSUTCB is the largest peasants’ union in Bolivia. Since 1967, it has…

Defiant Resistance: The Venezuelan Crises and the Possibility of Another World

Defiant Resistance: The Venezuelan Crises and the Possibility of Another World

Bob Dylan once said, “Let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late.” February 23rd, 2019, was the day that Juan Guaidó, the self-proclaimed President of Venezuela, had “authorised” “humanitarian aid” to enter Venezuela, an attempt to force the Maduro government, and thus the Venezuelan people, to their knees. There is great urgency…

How is Mexico’s Fourth Transformation Progressing?

How is Mexico’s Fourth Transformation Progressing?

As he nears his sixth month in office, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (popularly known as AMLO) travels around the nation holding public events to report on his social policies and asking citizens for help in removing the vices of the old regime from the State.   AMLO exhibits a unique leadership in this…

ILO Criticises Venezuela for Raising Minimum Wage

ILO Criticises Venezuela for Raising Minimum Wage

Venezuela is being ostracised in every possible conceivable way by Western governments and institutions short of an actual military invasion, although threats to that effect have also been made by the US government.   The newest threat has been issued by the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The organisation reported on March 21: “ILO Governing Body…


Chavismo: Part III | Chavismo Will Be Socialist Or It Will Cease To Exist

The third part of a seven part article by Marco Teruggi on Chavismo, the ongoing socialist revolutionary project in Venezuela. Marco Teruggi ‘Made in socialism.’ That phrase resonated a lot in Venezuela a few years ago. It was on chocolates, yoghurts, oils, posters, embedded in a heart logo and the inevitable red five-pointed star. Every…