Amidst ‘Dismal Performance’ of N-Power, Fears of Indian Fukushima Keep Haunting

Amidst ‘Dismal Performance’ of N-Power, Fears of Indian Fukushima Keep Haunting

In this period of ever-increasing Climate Crisis, when many voices pushing nuclear fission power as a supposedly zero-carbon safe’ energy are being heard, it is fitting to remember the Fukushima accident of 12 years ago, one of the most catastrophic disasters of the nuclear power industry.

Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Iraq War – 2 Articles
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Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Iraq War – 2 Articles

“American Dream, Global Nightmare: On the Origins of the Iraq War” – this piece was written in 2003, it still stands up fairly well. Also: “20 Years Later, the Stain of Corporate Media’s Role in Promoting Iraq War Remains”.

Twelve Years Ago NATO Bombed Libya to “Protect Civilians”, Leaving Tens of Thousands Dead and a Country in Ruins
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Twelve Years Ago NATO Bombed Libya to “Protect Civilians”, Leaving Tens of Thousands Dead and a Country in Ruins

Gaddafi’s projects would have liberated the continent from the dominance of Western centres of power and monopoly, transforming global economic structures and inspiring other regions in the Global South to “unite, organize and fight”. And so NATO intervened, to overthrow Gaddafi.

The US and Israel Are Standing in the Way of Iran Nuclear Agreement
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The US and Israel Are Standing in the Way of Iran Nuclear Agreement

Current talks between Washington and Tehran’s rulers to restore the 2015 nuclear agreement have been stalled, and there is little hope that progress will be made any time soon. Naturally, the U.S. places the blame on Tehran. However, U.S. propaganda grossly distorts the reality of the situation.