Dangers of Releasing Fukushima’s Radioactive Wastewater into the Pacific Ocean – 2 Articles
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Dangers of Releasing Fukushima’s Radioactive Wastewater into the Pacific Ocean – 2 Articles

The IAEA is hiding dangers of releasing Fukushima’s radioactive wastewater into the Pacific Ocean? Also: ‘Fukushima: Japan’s Triple Threat in Spades’: Japan too indulging in media manipulation and information control to hide the dangers of the radioactive water release.

We Must Reckon With the Most Dangerous System of Extinction Humans Ever Created
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We Must Reckon With the Most Dangerous System of Extinction Humans Ever Created

Charles Derber, author of ‘Dying for Capitalism: How Big Money Fuels Extinction and What We Can Do About It’, discusses how the myth of American exceptionalism undermines the solutions to the existential threats we face today, why “green capitalism” is an oxymoron, and the need to confront a “triangle of extinction.”

How Agencies That Promote Nuclear Power are Quietly Managing its Disaster Narrative

How Agencies That Promote Nuclear Power are Quietly Managing its Disaster Narrative

Because of the cover-up strategy of the international nuclear lobby, the lessons of Chernobyl and Fukushima are not being applied at all, but rather, the actual health hazards are being covered up. Any so-called cleanup projects are being carried out for the sake of immediate interests only.

Profiteers of Armageddon: The Nuclear-Industrial Complex
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Profiteers of Armageddon: The Nuclear-Industrial Complex

The film “Oppenheimer” has earned widespread attention. The author says that what “Oppie” began then has by now become a full-scale nuclear-industrial complex on a planet where ultimate destruction, it often seems, always lurks just around the corner.