Born 200 years ago, What Is Fyodor Dostoevsky Telling Us Today Through His Novels?
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Born 200 years ago, What Is Fyodor Dostoevsky Telling Us Today Through His Novels?

Dostoevsky’s books – with their unique mix of dark comedy and pathos – are notoriously gloomy. Yet they can be oddly uplifting. In them he tested the very limits of human freedom: in prison he bore witness to the darkest sides of human nature; in his later years in freedom he agonised over our natural dogmatism and self-destructiveness.

50 Year Journey of the Barefoot College Celebrates Hidden Abilities and Great Potential of Ordinary People

50 Year Journey of the Barefoot College Celebrates Hidden Abilities and Great Potential of Ordinary People

The Barefoot College, which has emerged as one of the most creative institutions in the field of rural development, admired at world level as a symbol of the often hidden but great abilities of ordinary people, particularly women and weaker sections, is completing 50 years this year.

Environment and 2022 Budget: Amrit Kaal or Vish Kaal?
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Environment and 2022 Budget: Amrit Kaal or Vish Kaal?

Overall, the picture is bleak. Environment is given a few token sops, while in fact financial allocations continue to fuel an economy that is fundamentally unsustainable. The country’s natural resource base will continue to be devastated, especially by the massive increases in mega-infrastructure.

Corporate Retail: Dangerous Implications for India’s Economy
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Corporate Retail: Dangerous Implications for India’s Economy

Rather than being a panacea for Indian agriculture, corporate food provision will likely accelerate many key elements of India’s agricultural crisis. It will produce a decline in land productivity, reduce food security, adversely affect price stability and will tend to negatively impact employment and credit relations.