A Prime Ministerial Scheme to Stop Poverty Due to Health Crises Is Helping Poorest Indians the Least

A Prime Ministerial Scheme to Stop Poverty Due to Health Crises Is Helping Poorest Indians the Least

The government claims that the PM’s health insurance scheme has ‘saved crores of families’ from such expenditure. But there are no data to support this claim, and studies indicate India’s most marginalised people are not benefitting, while insurance companies are.

Gandhi and Liberal Modernity: The Vexed Question of Caste
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Gandhi and Liberal Modernity: The Vexed Question of Caste

Gandhi’s thinking on caste must be frameworked within his opposition to capitalist modernity and its destructive effects on the peasant. His ambivalences on caste owe to his efforts to integrate his idealized philosophical stances with his responses to the contingencies of the freedom struggle.

UP: Gandhian Institute in Varanasi Taken Over, Residents Evicted, Bulldozer to Follow
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UP: Gandhian Institute in Varanasi Taken Over, Residents Evicted, Bulldozer to Follow

On Saturday, over 500 policemen entered the campus of Sarva Seva Sangh, Varanasi, forcefully evicted residents, threw books and furniture out in the rain, and left the employees jobless and homeless, even while a civil suit challenging the eviction is pending in court.

For a Breath of Dignity: The ‘Unfreedom’ of India’s Caste-Driven Labour Migration
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For a Breath of Dignity: The ‘Unfreedom’ of India’s Caste-Driven Labour Migration

Dalits and Adivasis are preponderant in the temporary labour migrant workforce across the country. While they form only 25% of the population, official estimates show that they make up more than 40% of the seasonal migrants.

Behind Delhi’s Floods Is a History of Encroachment and Diminishing Wetlands
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Behind Delhi’s Floods Is a History of Encroachment and Diminishing Wetlands

According to experts, Delhi’s floods are an urgent indication to improve the city’s drainage systems. They also point to Delhi’s diminishing natural line of defence — its water bodies and wetlands — against such hazards, without which the river cannot drain its water naturally.