Farmers Are Still Focused on the Real Issues. We Shouldn’t Be Distracted Either.
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Farmers Are Still Focused on the Real Issues. We Shouldn’t Be Distracted Either.

A months-long agitation cannot be not delegitimised on the basis of one day. You need to have the clarity of Gandhi, the eternal resister to injustice, to refuse to give up the idea of civil resistance if a section of the resisters fails to fully restrain itself.

State and Fascist Crackdown Backfires: Support for Farmers Spreads – Three Articles
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State and Fascist Crackdown Backfires: Support for Farmers Spreads – Three Articles

Quite contrary to what many had anticipated, the state crackdown on farmers’ leaders, together with attacks by BJP goons, has breathed a new life into the agitation. Farmers are joining the agitation in growing numbers.

The Kisans are Right. Their Land Is at Stake – Part I
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The Kisans are Right. Their Land Is at Stake – Part I

Over the last two decades, international agencies and the Indian government have been preparing the ground for takeover of farmer lands by corporate houses. Towards this end, as the first step, the government is trying to establish a system of ‘conclusive titling’ of all land in the country.

Why has the Adani Group Singled Out Journalist Paranjoy Guha Thakurta?
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Why has the Adani Group Singled Out Journalist Paranjoy Guha Thakurta?

Reason: Guha had written two articles alleging that the government unduly favoured the Adani Group, helping it expand and evade taxes. Also: Press Statement by the Editors Guild of India criticising Thakurta’s arrest warrant issued by a Gujarat court.