Chandra Singh Garhwali: World Peace Movement Will Never Forget the Soldier Who Refused to Fire on Unarmed Protestors
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Chandra Singh Garhwali: World Peace Movement Will Never Forget the Soldier Who Refused to Fire on Unarmed Protestors

He and his fellow soldiers will be always remembered for their courage and sacrifice in refusing to fire on peaceful protesters offering non-violent resistance. Thereby a new and glorious chapter was added and a new dimension was given to the history of non-violent struggles against injustice.

Martyr’s Day: Recalling the Values Gandhiji Stood for!

Martyr’s Day: Recalling the Values Gandhiji Stood for!

On 30 January, we would like to remember a Gandhiji which the current establishment would rather forget, namely someone who was deeply committed to the ideal of ‘political freedom’ which was not just ‘freedom from the British’ but a commitment to fundamental values and principles.