The National Research Foundation Bill Is a Threat to Publicly Funded Science
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The National Research Foundation Bill Is a Threat to Publicly Funded Science

The NRF Bill, 2023 seeks to replace the publicly funded mechanism of research support to the scientific community through the Science and Engineering Board Act, 2008 with a mechanism expected to be largely directed by the funds available through corporate sector and philanthropic foundations.

Reflections on the Death of a Philosopher Colleague: A Tribute in Exclamation Marks
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Reflections on the Death of a Philosopher Colleague: A Tribute in Exclamation Marks

The message flashed on my phone informing death of a Delhi University, Philosophy Assistant Professor, Samarveer Singh ‘by suicide’ in his rented accommodation near the University! They say if a country is to be sent downhill, destroy its academics …

Erasing the Past, Blinding the Future
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Erasing the Past, Blinding the Future

The new ‘edition’ of textbooks released by the NCERT has deleted chapters on Mughal history and this raised a storm. History does not exist for the liking and disliking of individuals, it just is. It exists for us to learn from. If it offends someone, even better. Because then one is less likely to repeat it.

Removal of Darwin’s Evolution Theory from Textbooks – Scientists Protest: Two Articles
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Removal of Darwin’s Evolution Theory from Textbooks – Scientists Protest: Two Articles

The removal of Darwin from the school syllabus is not an innocuous change. It is a retrograde step for the teaching of science and an onslaught on rational thinking and scientific temper. Also: ‘1,800 Scientists, Educators Urge Govt to Restore Darwin’s Evolution Theory in NCERT Textbook’.