Explained: How Critical Is the Coal Shortage in India? Will There Be Power Cuts?
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Explained: How Critical Is the Coal Shortage in India? Will There Be Power Cuts?

Chhattisgarh-based lawyer Sudiep Shrivastava says that the stories about massive coal shortage in power plants are false, and are deliberately being floated to set narrative to amend Coal Bearing Area (Acquisition and Development) Act 1957, in favour of private coal miners in next session.

With COVID-19, India Experienced its Greatest Mortality Crisis Since Independence
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With COVID-19, India Experienced its Greatest Mortality Crisis Since Independence

Recent estimates made by the Economist suggest that the global toll of the pandemic is 16 million, more than three times the official toll of COVID-19 deaths. Estimates of India’s pandemic excess deaths range from between 3 to 5 million deaths, a quarter of total global pandemic deaths.

Assam’s Evictions are Turning Skilled Bengali Muslim Farmers into Labourers
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Assam’s Evictions are Turning Skilled Bengali Muslim Farmers into Labourers

In driving out ‘illegal encroachers’ from farms for an agriculture project that does not interest native Assamese, the BJP govt is dispossessing productive Bengali Muslim farmers, many of whom say they bought land from locals and have been paying land taxes, some for up to 70 years.

How Important Is MSP-Based Procurement
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How Important Is MSP-Based Procurement

The problem with the MSP is not that it is of marginal benefit to farmers. The problem lies in the inadequate spread of the procurement apparatus to cover more crops and a larger geographical region, the timing of the procurement operations and in some cases the unremunerative prices offered.

Interview: Ashwini Deshpande on the Need for Indian Economists to Grapple with Discrimination
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Interview: Ashwini Deshpande on the Need for Indian Economists to Grapple with Discrimination

The noted economist speaks of how the idea of examining discrimination through economics has changed over the past two decades in India, why much more needs to be done to examine the biases of the field, and her discomfort with the pervasive myth of “merit” in India.

The Violent Video from a Recent Eviction Drive Should be a Moment of Reckoning for Assamese Society
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The Violent Video from a Recent Eviction Drive Should be a Moment of Reckoning for Assamese Society

In a state with a tortured history of anti-immigrant resentment, every policy decision can have potentially seismic effects. Assam needs a strong movement to counter the actions of a casteist, communal state.