A Sweet Solution? India’s Push to Use Sugar for Fuel May Create More Problems Than it Solves
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A Sweet Solution? India’s Push to Use Sugar for Fuel May Create More Problems Than it Solves

India, the world’s second-largest sugar producer, has started to turn its surplus into bioethanol as it strives to lower energy costs and meet climate pledges. However, this ignores greenhouse gas emissions embedded in the ethanol supply chain. There are also several other problems.

The Puzzle of the Indian Capitalist Discount Rate
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The Puzzle of the Indian Capitalist Discount Rate

An essay in two parts: i) On the tension in the time frame of Adani Enterprises, including accounts of the strong and sophisticated protests of affected people. ii) An Abstraction from the Concrete, including reflection over the ethics that might drive the Indian Republic. Finally, A Socialist Manifesto is sketched as a resolution of the conflict.

The Constitution Was Envisioned as a Living Document. But Can Our Leaders Keep It Alive?
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The Constitution Was Envisioned as a Living Document. But Can Our Leaders Keep It Alive?

On Constitution Day, we need to ask whether we, as a people, have proved equal to the expectations that it has from us. We need to ask why people who tried to emulate the ideals of that living document are in jail and how others are in positions to extinguish its spirit.