Nineteen Years Ago Today the Bush Administration Invaded Iraq in One of the Worst Crimes of the Modern Era
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Nineteen Years Ago Today the Bush Administration Invaded Iraq in One of the Worst Crimes of the Modern Era

Perhaps one million plus Iraqis were dead due to US actions. Millions of Iraqis became refugees. The horror precipitated by my country affected not only the victims over there, but millions of Americans. We became a divided nation, echoing what occurred during the Vietnam phony war.

The IMF’s Agreement With Argentina Could Prove a Game-Changer
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The IMF’s Agreement With Argentina Could Prove a Game-Changer

A new draft agreement between Argentina and the International Monetary Fund has eschewed austerity. It will allow the Argentine economy to grow while the government continues its efforts to reduce poverty and gradually bring down inflation.

Submission to the Independent Expert on Foreign Debt and Human Rights
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Submission to the Independent Expert on Foreign Debt and Human Rights

This submission comes at a crucial juncture in Pakistan’s socio-economic history. The Imran Khan government was elected on the manifesto to fight corruption and debt burden. However, it has miserably failed to arrest the galloping public debt and its adverse impacts on the working classes.

Imperialism as an Abiding Phenomenon
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Imperialism as an Abiding Phenomenon

There is a common misconception that the term imperialism is no longer relevant now. The essence of the relationship of imperialism lies in the control over the world’s resources, including land-use, by the metropolitan powers. Neo-liberal globalisation has meant that control over these third world assets have been returned to metropolitan capital.