Goodbye Citizenship, Hello ‘Statizenship’

Goodbye Citizenship, Hello ‘Statizenship’

The age of citizenship is nearing its close. The idea of citizenship was linked, in its Latin derivation, to the city (civitas), civility (civilis) and to other related words which implied urbanity, civic norms and hospitality. In the age of liberal democracy, born from the constitutions of France and the United States in the late…

India Is Creating Its Own West Bank in Kashmir

India Is Creating Its Own West Bank in Kashmir

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government in India often claims that its actions are unprecedented—that no government in India’s history has been bold enough to do what it does. Most of the time this is, to put it mildly, an exaggeration. But on Monday, they certainly went far beyond what any previous Indian government has done…

Statement on Kashmir

Statement on Kashmir

Statement on Kashmir Gandhi Peace Foundation Having listened to the debates on Kashmir in the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha, the Prime Minister’s address to the nation, and having watched subsequent developments in Kashmir, we as citizens of India inspired by the life and work of Mahatma Gandhi feel compelled to state that the government…

Let us Not Lose Hope in Bad Times

Let us Not Lose Hope in Bad Times

From the Editor’s desk . . .   The Modi juggernaut is marching ahead, wantonly riding roughshod over the Constitution. It is even crushing under it the fundamental pillars of our Constitution—democracy, equality, secularism and fraternity. The federal structure of our country is being demolished. The independence of our most important institutions that can act…

Today, Freedom From Fear is Freedom from Mainstream Media

Today, Freedom From Fear is Freedom from Mainstream Media

This article was originally published by We are publishing it in the light of journalist Ravish Kumar winning the 2019 Ramon Magsaysay Award. What was once considered unacceptable and unethical in the public domain has been made entirely acceptable and ethical by the mainstream media in the last five years. Not only is the…

India’s College Students, Teachers Must Now Learn the Art of Unlearning
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India’s College Students, Teachers Must Now Learn the Art of Unlearning

Avijit Pathak “Most learning happens casually, and even most intentional learning is not the result of programmed instruction,” said Ivan Illich. It is not easy to remain secure with power. The intoxication of power breeds insecurity. And hence, it is not surprising that each regime of power has its own discourse of education through which…

Rahul Gandhi Warns of Institutional Take Over of India

Rahul Gandhi Warns of Institutional Take Over of India

Rahul Gandhi Warns of Institutional Take Over of India Countercurrents Collective Taking responsibility for the Congress party’s poor performance in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, Rahul Gandhi, on, 3 July, 2019, resigned from the post of the Congress President. He posted a four-page letter on Twitter, officially announcing his resignation as the Congress President. In…