Restoration Of Democracy: March From Jammu To Srinagar

Restoration Of Democracy: March From Jammu To Srinagar

26 November To 1 December, 2019   A march (part by vehicle and part by feet) has been planned from Jammu to Srinagar from 26 November to 1 December, 2019 to demand restoration of democracy in Jammu & Kashmir. We believe that the decision taken by central government in August regarding J&K is undemocratic and…

Ayodhya Verdict: Judges Missed Chance to Speak With Courage
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Ayodhya Verdict: Judges Missed Chance to Speak With Courage

Apoorvanand That unanimity hurt. It did. One had hoped, or wished to have a hope, that there would be a chink in the armour somewhere. An ambiguity. The absence of it—the full glare of a “unanimous” majoritarianism—came like a stab in the heart of the idea of India. To be frank, there was not much…

The Return of Fascism in Contemporary Capitalism

The Return of Fascism in Contemporary Capitalism

Samir Amin It is not by chance that the very title of this contribution links the return of fascism on the political scene with the crisis of contemporary capitalism. Fascism is not synonymous with an authoritarian police regime that rejects the uncertainties of parliamentary electoral democracy. Fascism is a particular political response to the challenges…

The Republic and the Kashmir Valley:  From Federalism to “Internal Colonisation”
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The Republic and the Kashmir Valley: From Federalism to “Internal Colonisation”

Neera Chandhoke In the 18th and 19th centuries, colonial powers justified the conquest of large parts of Asia and Sub-Saharan African in terms of an almost divine mission. The mission compelled them to bring “development” and “civilisation” to the territories that had been colonised. The justification was, but a cloak, for more nefarious purposes. The…

In the Idea of an ‘All India NRC’, Echoes of Reich Citizenship Law
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In the Idea of an ‘All India NRC’, Echoes of Reich Citizenship Law

The Ministry of Home Affairs issued a notification on July 31, 2019, stating that the Central government has decided to prepare and update the population register in the rest of India other than the state of Assam. Meaning that the exercise to update the National Citizenship Register (NRC) in Assam will now be implemented throughout…

Sedition Case for Open Letter: Over 1389 Personalities Endorse Statement, Condemn Charges
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Sedition Case for Open Letter: Over 1389 Personalities Endorse Statement, Condemn Charges

India Cultural Forum On October 3, an FIR was lodged against the 49 celebrities for raising concern in late July over the growing incidents of mob lynching. The FIR was lodged under several sections of the Indian Penal Code, including sedition. This is despite the Supreme Court’s stance that sedition charges cannot be invoked for…

Hindi Imposition will Kill the Imagination of a Nation with a Hundred Tongues

Hindi Imposition will Kill the Imagination of a Nation with a Hundred Tongues

15 years ago, when I was waiting for my class, a student came to me and congratulated me. “What is the occasion?”, I wondered aloud. It was not my birthday which in any case my students would not be aware of. Those were pre-Facebook days. That I was asking for the occasion was something my…

Where Pellets Blind Young Minds

Where Pellets Blind Young Minds

Why were several prominent parliamentarians from the Opposition parties denied entry into the Kashmir Valley? So that they don’t get to hear human cries; those appeals to be set free from their cage, from the clampdown, from the barbarity unleashed on hapless residents of the Valley. Together with that, these parliamentarians don’t even get to…

Dear Kannan Gopinathan, I quit Zoho for the same reason.

Dear Kannan Gopinathan, I quit Zoho for the same reason.

Saravana Raja Put me back in the middle of the sea, Let me struggle, learn & find a new shore. Dear Kannan Gopinathan Couple of days ago, I stumbled upon a news article that spoke about you resigning from the Indian Administrative Service. The reason for your resignation is something Bhakts and to-be-Bhakts might find…