Apple Alert: Threat Notifications Strike at Heart of Indian Democracy – 3 Articles
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Apple Alert: Threat Notifications Strike at Heart of Indian Democracy – 3 Articles

Apar Gupta, the founding director of Internet Freedom Foundation calls for full government disclosure regarding its spyware purchases and deployments. Also: Review of book by Laurent Richard and Sandrine Rigaud, “Pegasus: The Story of the World’s Most Dangerous Spyware”.

How State-Backed Hindutva Rhetoric Is Fuelling the Ethnic Cleansing of Uttarakhand
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How State-Backed Hindutva Rhetoric Is Fuelling the Ethnic Cleansing of Uttarakhand

India’s most populous hill state Uttarakhand is in unprecedented turmoil. It is the first State in India in which an influential and popular campaign for ethnic cleansing has gathered ominous momentum: a battle for the expulsion of all Muslims from the State.

History Is Calling Us! Unite in Struggle to Defend the Values of the Freedom Struggle
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History Is Calling Us! Unite in Struggle to Defend the Values of the Freedom Struggle

Why this call? People of India today face the onslaught on the basic values of the Constitution from a regime that is determined to impose a socio-political system of Hindutva chauvinism on the multicultural, multi-religious, multilingual society thus violating the constitutional commitment to equality of all citizens.