State and Fascist Crackdown Backfires: Support for Farmers Spreads – Three Articles
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State and Fascist Crackdown Backfires: Support for Farmers Spreads – Three Articles

Quite contrary to what many had anticipated, the state crackdown on farmers’ leaders, together with attacks by BJP goons, has breathed a new life into the agitation. Farmers are joining the agitation in growing numbers.

The Pentagonization of America – Two Articles
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The Pentagonization of America – Two Articles

As the enthusiasm for war on terror ebbs in America, Pentagon hawks have been searching for new wars and escalations – the new targets are China and Russia. While this guarantees more money for the Pentagon, it hasn’t made the US safer; the wars are also coming back home.

Why has the Adani Group Singled Out Journalist Paranjoy Guha Thakurta?
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Why has the Adani Group Singled Out Journalist Paranjoy Guha Thakurta?

Reason: Guha had written two articles alleging that the government unduly favoured the Adani Group, helping it expand and evade taxes. Also: Press Statement by the Editors Guild of India criticising Thakurta’s arrest warrant issued by a Gujarat court.

Fascism, Imperialism, and Anti-Communism at the Capitol Hill Riots
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Fascism, Imperialism, and Anti-Communism at the Capitol Hill Riots

The flags of U.S. client states, anti-communist regimes, and pre-revolution puppet states dotted the sea of MAGA hats and Confederate flags at the Capitol Hill mobs. Making sense of why requires understanding the convergence between imperialism abroad and fascism at home.

Fundamentalists Make Hay While the Sun Shines
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Fundamentalists Make Hay While the Sun Shines

Perhaps, the rulers and administrators manning the State machinery, haven’t heard this verse of Baba Farid Shakarganj (1173-1265 AD): “Farid, the earth questioned the sky, Where are the mighty captains gone? / In their grave they rot, was the reply / And rebuked for tasks not done.”

Historians Audrey Truschke and Ira Mukhoty on:  ‘Love Jihad’ and Mughals
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Historians Audrey Truschke and Ira Mukhoty on: ‘Love Jihad’ and Mughals

Time and again, the Mughals have been brought into the conversations around “Love Jihad”, with the argument that it was practiced widely in the subcontinent under its emperors. A conversation with two eminent historians on what do history and evidence say.