For Tejasvi Surya, Some History About the Language & Attire of Hindus
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For Tejasvi Surya, Some History About the Language & Attire of Hindus

The BJP leader forgets that Urdu is not an alien language in India, even for the region he represents in Parliament. And as far as the question of Indian attire is concerned, no stitched garment is of Indian origin. What does he propose to do with Indians who wear stitched garments?

Mumia Abu-Jamal: Militant Journalism from Behind Enemy Lines
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Mumia Abu-Jamal: Militant Journalism from Behind Enemy Lines

After his unjust incarceration, which was part of the state’s larger counterrevolution against progressive movements in the U.S. and abroad, Mumia continued his work as a militant journalist live from death row. Review of Mumia Abu-Jamal’s book, ‘Have Black Lives Ever Mattered?’

How Facebook Algorithms Promote Hate and Toxic Content
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How Facebook Algorithms Promote Hate and Toxic Content

Internal Facebook documents made public by whistleblower Frances Haugen, a former employee, show that the leadership of Facebook repeatedly prioritised profit over social good. Facebook’s algorithms polarised society, promoted hate and fake news because it drove up “engagement” on its platforms.

With COVID-19, India Experienced its Greatest Mortality Crisis Since Independence
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With COVID-19, India Experienced its Greatest Mortality Crisis Since Independence

Recent estimates made by the Economist suggest that the global toll of the pandemic is 16 million, more than three times the official toll of COVID-19 deaths. Estimates of India’s pandemic excess deaths range from between 3 to 5 million deaths, a quarter of total global pandemic deaths.