Further Concerns of Peasant Movement Amidst Victory Celebrations
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Further Concerns of Peasant Movement Amidst Victory Celebrations

The first stage of this struggle has, no doubt, been won. But a prolonged struggle is required for getting proper prices for the crops and for securing the right to food for the working masses through PDS. This struggle now demands a higher and long-lasting unity.

Kisan Movement’s Direct Action Defeated Not Just Modi Govt, but Imperialist Forces too
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Kisan Movement’s Direct Action Defeated Not Just Modi Govt, but Imperialist Forces too

The climbdown by the Modi government in the face of the incredible resoluteness shown by the agitating peasants is a setback for neoliberalism, since corporate ascendancy over the agricultural sector is a crucial part of the neo-liberal agenda the farm laws were seeking to promote.

The Ostracisation and Unwavering Faith Of Sister Lucy Kalappurakkal
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The Ostracisation and Unwavering Faith Of Sister Lucy Kalappurakkal

A 56-year-old Kerala nun is isolated in her convent, barred from eating or speaking with her fellow nuns. While the Church has made several charges against her, the real reason, she says, is because she stood up for a sister nun allegedly raped 13 times over two years by a powerful bishop.

Declaration Adopted at National Convention Of Workers, New Delhi
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Declaration Adopted at National Convention Of Workers, New Delhi

The Struggle now is not only to save the rights and livelihoods of people but also save the country’s economy and the entire democratic system and society from the destruction being engineered by the governing authoritarian forces with the active support of domestic and foreign private corporates.

The Policeman and the General are Now India’s Theoreticians of Democracy and Human Rights
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The Policeman and the General are Now India’s Theoreticians of Democracy and Human Rights

The past week has seen two stalwarts of the Narendra Modi regime – National Security Adviser Ajit Doval and Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat – make up new theories on the hoof to justify violations of the rule of law in the name of the greater good of the nation.