Lok Sabha Election Results: This Is the Collective Win of Millions – 4 Articles
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Lok Sabha Election Results: This Is the Collective Win of Millions – 4 Articles

‘Who Does June 4 Belong to?’; ‘A New Dawn’: With no one party with a clear majority, it means a return to the days of more parliamentary influence on governance; ‘Results That Give Hindutva a Jolt’; ‘Voters Force Narendra Modi to Become a Labharthi of his Allies’.

Subversion of Parliamentary Democracy: Concerned Citizens Groups Release a “Charge Sheet” Against the Government of India
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Subversion of Parliamentary Democracy: Concerned Citizens Groups Release a “Charge Sheet” Against the Government of India

A collective of citizens and organisations together released a “charge sheet” on February 9, 2024 against the Government of India showcasing how this regime, into its second term, has subverted parliamentary democracy.

Muslims and 2024 Lok Sabha Elections – 2 Articles
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Muslims and 2024 Lok Sabha Elections – 2 Articles

‘How Did the Muslim Vote?’: Despite being the target of the Prime Minister’s public speeches and facing continuous discrimination, the Muslim voter has voted in support of saving the Constitution and India’s democracy. Also: ‘‘A Little Less Suffocating: Why Many Muslims View the Lok Sabha Verdict with Cautious Hope”.

The Resistible Rise of the Far Right in Europe
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The Resistible Rise of the Far Right in Europe

In France, the far right is likely to be the leading political force in the European elections of 9 June 2024, and probably the second (or third) force in the European Union. A relatively large number of far right parties are now on the winning side in national elections, and are even taking part in national governments.