American Capitalism Demands the Infection of China
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American Capitalism Demands the Infection of China

On a day that the United States recorded 2,997 COVID-19 deaths, the New York Times published an op-ed by two former Biden administration advisers calling China’s decision to prioritize saving lives a “mistake” and extolling the benefits of “natural immunity through infection.”

China Launches Global South Economic Alliance to Challenge U.S. ‘Unilateralism’ and ‘Cold-War Mentality’
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China Launches Global South Economic Alliance to Challenge U.S. ‘Unilateralism’ and ‘Cold-War Mentality’

China is leading an international effort to develop alliances to counter U.S. hegemony. This January 20, China’s mission to the UN launched a new, economic diplomatic alliance, called the Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative.

Behind the Antibody Cocktail Rush, Mega Profits for Private Hospitals and Pharma Companies
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Behind the Antibody Cocktail Rush, Mega Profits for Private Hospitals and Pharma Companies

With a surge in Covid-19 cases, private hospitals in Mumbai are seeing a rise in admissions for the monoclonal antibody treatment, despite many patients not needing it. The hospitals are making large, easy profits on the treatment.

Profits Over People: Why Weren’t the Vaccine Manufacturers Nationalized?
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Profits Over People: Why Weren’t the Vaccine Manufacturers Nationalized?

During a period of national emergency, the U.S government nationalizes key business sectors. It did so during World War I and II, and in subsequent periods of national crises. So, why has death of 800,000-plus Americans from Covid not pushed the U.S. government to nationalize key pharmaceutical manufactures?

Covid-19 and the Informalisation of India’s Salaried Workers
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Covid-19 and the Informalisation of India’s Salaried Workers

The pandemic forced a fraction of India’s salaried workers to fall back on self-employment or casual work, or to withdraw from the workforce entirely. It was only the salaried who held secure and regular positions who were able to hold on to their jobs.