Myths, Rumours and Spectacles in India’s Fight Against COVID-19
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Myths, Rumours and Spectacles in India’s Fight Against COVID-19

    Brahma Prakash The act could have been named divine comedy, but it was not poetic. In fact, it was anti-poetic. Let’s call it India’s divine formula to defeat COVID-19. The play can be named Burning Corona Down. It was April 5, 2020. As soon as the clock struck 9 pm, the nation that…

India’s Power Grid Survived ‘Diya Jalao’, Only Thanks to Drastic Action Behind the Scenes
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India’s Power Grid Survived ‘Diya Jalao’, Only Thanks to Drastic Action Behind the Scenes

  K. Ashok Rao As on August 31, 2019, India had one of the largest operational synchronous grids in the world, with 360.78 GW of installed power generation capacity. The famous blackout of July 30 and 31, 2012, was the largest power outage in India. It affected more than 620 million people – half the…