America, Where Great Literature Kicked The Bucket
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America, Where Great Literature Kicked The Bucket

“I am endlessly grateful to American literature. But it is gone. I come to its tombstones, and I mourn. But after laying down some flowers in front of great names, I know that it is time to move on…. This is not the America that I loved and admired. That is why I do not live there, anymore, for many years.”

An Engineered Food and Poverty Crisis to Secure Continued U.S. Dominance
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An Engineered Food and Poverty Crisis to Secure Continued U.S. Dominance

We see an abundance of food but skyrocketing prices. The issue is not food shortage but speculation on food commodities and the manipulation of an inherently flawed global food system. It is not the first time the U.S. has engineered a major crisis to maintain global hegemony.

The Capitalist Solution to ‘Save’ the Planet: Make it an Asset Class & Sell it
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The Capitalist Solution to ‘Save’ the Planet: Make it an Asset Class & Sell it

John Bellamy Foster explains the ‘solution’ master-minded by global finance to resolve the imminent environmental crisis: create a multi-quadrillion dollars’ worth of assets on the back of everything nature does and expropriate it from the global commons to make a profit.