Colombian President Petro’s Remarkable Message to Trump
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Colombian President Petro’s Remarkable Message to Trump

Colombia’s government on January 26 refused to allow two U.S. military planes to land. They were returning Colombian deportees from the United States to their homeland. In taking action, Petro insisted that the deportees traveling handcuffed in a military plane were not criminals and ought to be treated with dignity.

Petro Government in Colombia Confronts Lawfare, Alvaro Uribe and US Intervention
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Petro Government in Colombia Confronts Lawfare, Alvaro Uribe and US Intervention

President Gustavo Petro’s Historic Pact government, in power since 2022, is a first in Colombia’s history. No other party ever aspired to serve all Colombians. Its existence depends on push-back against Colombia’s peculiar mix of corporations, big landowners, financial moguls, and narco-traffickers. Difficulties are cropping up now that call for sharpened resistance.

Indigenous Rebellion Continues as Post-Coup Peruvian Government Flounders

Indigenous Rebellion Continues as Post-Coup Peruvian Government Flounders

Revived democratic struggle in Peru is well along into a second act. Following the parliamentary coup on December 7 that removed democratically elected President Pedro Castillo, embittered Peruvians occupied Lima and faced violent repression. The struggles renewed again on March 1.

Seeking Relief from Oppression, Peruvians Resist Castillo Removal and Wait

Seeking Relief from Oppression, Peruvians Resist Castillo Removal and Wait

Peru’s rightwing-dominated Congress has removed President Castillo from office. He has been arrested and is now in prison. Ordinary Peruvians have mobilized throughout Peru, blockaded over 100 highways, occupied five airports, and held rallies in various cities, protesting against his removal.

Mexico’s Left Takes to the Street, Celebrates Achievements
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Mexico’s Left Takes to the Street, Celebrates Achievements

On the fourth anniversary of his taking office on November 27, AMLO and his Moreno Party staged a march and then a rally in the Zócalo plaza in Mexico City. The crowd was such that the walk, with AMLO walking too, lasted five hours. Extracts from AMLO’s speech.

Anti-Neoliberal Candidate Xiomara Castro Wins Big in Honduras Elections
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Anti-Neoliberal Candidate Xiomara Castro Wins Big in Honduras Elections

Xiomara Castro, candidate of the “Libre” party, has won the presidential elections in Honduras on November 28. Castro’s party won on the strength of its opposition to neoliberalism and the free market model, which is strongly entrenched in Honduras.

US Intervention and Capitalism Have Created a Monster in Honduras
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US Intervention and Capitalism Have Created a Monster in Honduras

The US government has fully backed the repression unleashed by Hernández led Honduran government on its people, including providing training, supplies, and funding for Honduras’s police and military – as Hernandez has allowed US corporations to freely enter and plunder the country.

UN General Assembly Once More Denounces US Blockade of Cuba
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UN General Assembly Once More Denounces US Blockade of Cuba

The UN General Assembly on June 23 overwhelmingly approved a Cuban resolution condemning the U.S. economic, commercial, and financial blockade of Cuba, in place for 60 years; 184 nations approved; two opposed, Israel and the USA; and three abstained, Colombia, Ukraine, and Brazil.