Who Is Suneeta Pottam, the Tribal Rights Activist Picked Up for Unknown Cases Earlier This Month?
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Who Is Suneeta Pottam, the Tribal Rights Activist Picked Up for Unknown Cases Earlier This Month?

The police said there are 12 cases pending against Pottam – who has raised her voice against police brutality – though their details are unknown either to Pottam or to the lawyers’ group that is fighting for her release.

Ill-Treatment of Stan Swamy in Jail Should ‘Shake Foundation of Democracy’: Fellow Prisoner
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Ill-Treatment of Stan Swamy in Jail Should ‘Shake Foundation of Democracy’: Fellow Prisoner

Iklakh Rahim Shaikh, a prisoner who spent time with the Jesuit priest in Taloja jail, says while “VIP prisoners” get access to all kinds of facilities, the jail authorities ignored Swamy’s deteriorating health conditions and denied him treatment even when he was rapidly slipping.