The People are with Evo: A Glimpse of New Bolivia

The People are with Evo: A Glimpse of New Bolivia

Interview with Rodolfo Machaca Yupanqui [As the general elections in Bolivia are approaching and the campaign for socialist president Evo Morales is gaining vigour, Peoples Dispatch interviewed Rodolfo Machaca Yupanqui, the leader of the Unified Confederation of Bolivian Peasant Workers Union (CSUTCB). The CSUTCB is the largest peasants’ union in Bolivia. Since 1967, it has…

The RSS Stands for Principles that are in Violation of the Indian Constitution

The RSS Stands for Principles that are in Violation of the Indian Constitution

A.G. Noorani is nothing if not prolific. In his latest book, The RSS: A Menace to India, we have another tome of over 500 pages with its contents diligently distilled. It is also timely. The topicality of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) as a subject of study is evident. This is the second volume on…

Official Language Vs Social Justice
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Official Language Vs Social Justice

(This paper was first presented at a five-day conference on ‘Indian Constitution and Social Justice’ held in Mysore in 1995, under the joint auspices of Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla and Dhwanyalok Center for Indian Studies, Mysore. It generated considerable controversy then, as the author had written and presented it in Hindi, even though…

Over 4 Crore Are Jobless Now, Much More Than Earlier

Over 4 Crore Are Jobless Now, Much More Than Earlier

Finally, the government has released the suppressed report on unemployment, now that elections are done and dusted with. Meanwhile, joblessness has worsened dramatically with an estimated 4.17 crore people unemployed, according to another recent report of the CMIE (Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy), based on a similar sample survey. The government had directed the National…

Basavanna: India’s First Free Thinker

Basavanna: India’s First Free Thinker

Today, on May 9, Basava Jayanthi is being celebrated across the state. The tragedy is that most Lingayats, who say they admire Basavanna, neither follow his religious teachings nor live according to the credo propagated by Basavanna and other Sharanas. Let’s take B.S. Yeddyurappa, who is considered as the strongman of Lingayats in the state,…