The Global Rise of Fascism: Capitalism End Game?

The Global Rise of Fascism: Capitalism End Game?

It is everywhere. In a few years, it has metastasized like a cancer, on all continents. Its fervent proponents and ill-informed supporters call it populism or nationalism. In the Italy, Germany, or Spain of the 1930s, however, this ideology of exclusion and fear, defined by a hatred of the other, together with a tyrannical executive…

How RSS Betrayed the Anti-Emergency Struggle

How RSS Betrayed the Anti-Emergency Struggle

National Emergency was imposed on the country by then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi on June 25-26, 1975, and it lasted for 19 months. This period is considered as ”dark times’ for Indian democratic polity. Indira Gandhi claimed that Jaiprakash Narayan’s call to the armed forces to disobey the ‘illegal’ orders of Congress rulers had created…

We Parched the Country to Quench the City, and Chennai Still Cries for Help

We Parched the Country to Quench the City, and Chennai Still Cries for Help

Thirty-four year old G. Manimaran is resentful when anyone brings up the topic of Chennai’s water crisis. In his analyses, water is not the problem, the city of Chennai is. Manimaran’s village, Padalam in Kanchipuram district, is 75 km from Chennai and located on the banks of the Palar, a river once famed for its…

$21 Trillion Hoard Hidden from Taxman by Global Elite
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$21 Trillion Hoard Hidden from Taxman by Global Elite

A global super-rich elite has exploited gaps in cross-border tax rules to hide an extraordinary $21 trillion of wealth offshore—as much as the American and Japanese GDPs put together—according to research commissioned by the campaign group Tax Justice Network. James Henry, former chief economist at consultancy McKinsey and an expert on tax havens, has compiled…

WWII Could Not Have Happened Without US Help in Rearming Germany

WWII Could Not Have Happened Without US Help in Rearming Germany

Recently, the 75th Anniversary of the invasion of Normandy was commemorated. But here are some little known facts about World War II. The sixty or seventy million men, women and children didn’t die because of Adolph Hitler, they perished because the wealthy in the US and Western Europe empowered Adolph Hitler to make war. The…

From Swaraj to Swastika

From Swaraj to Swastika

The victory of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is a victory of the ideology that impedes the establishment of a true social democracy. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the author of India’s constitution, wrote, “Political democracy cannot last unless there lies at the base of it social democracy. What does social democracy mean? It means a way of…