Facebook Meta: Rebranding Itself Out of Trouble or Building a Dystopian Future?
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Facebook Meta: Rebranding Itself Out of Trouble or Building a Dystopian Future?

Is Facebook trying to move away from its sullied past and present to migrate to an alternate universe, the metaverse Facebook will create so we forget about the hate-filled Facebook pages that fuel its ad-driven business empire?

Electricity Amendment Act: Government Experiments with Physics of the Impossible
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Electricity Amendment Act: Government Experiments with Physics of the Impossible

Separating electricity from the wires that transmit is a crazy dream of a few market fundamentalists. The Modi government is attempting this failed policy again, and state-owned distribution companies and consumers will suffer.

How Facebook Algorithms Promote Hate and Toxic Content
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How Facebook Algorithms Promote Hate and Toxic Content

Internal Facebook documents made public by whistleblower Frances Haugen, a former employee, show that the leadership of Facebook repeatedly prioritised profit over social good. Facebook’s algorithms polarised society, promoted hate and fake news because it drove up “engagement” on its platforms.