Netaji Bose, Nehru and Anti-Colonial Struggle

Netaji Bose, Nehru and Anti-Colonial Struggle India’s anti-colonial struggle has been the major phenomenon which built modern India into a secular democracy. Many political streams were part of this movement, and all of them struggled in their own way to drive away the British. There were also some political streams, the ones who upheld a…

The Way Forward for Socialists in Brazil

The Way Forward for Socialists in Brazil The devastating victory of extreme right-wing candidate Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil’s presidential elections on October 28 left many across the world shocked and wondering how someone who openly preaches hate and violence could have won. Claudia Fanti, an Italian journalist, spoke to João Pedro Stedile of the national…

Sacrifice at the Altar of Development

Sacrifice at the Altar of Development The legendary Professor Guru Das Agrawal, who got promoted from a Lecturer directly to Professor at the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur after having finished his Ph.D. from University of California at Berkeley in two years, who had laid the foundation of India’s anti-pollution regimen as the…

Ambedkar and Capitalism

Ambedkar and Capitalism Prof Anand Teltumbde’s two-part article, “Babasaheb Ambedkar and Neo-Liberal Economic Reforms” that appeared in the September 30 and October 7 issues of Janata were a necessary rebuttal to those who are fraudulently using Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar’s name and aura to promote an economic model which he despised. I would like to give…

Babasaheb Ambedkar and Neoliberal Economic Reforms: Part II

Babasaheb Ambedkar and Neoliberal Economic Reforms: Part II Ambedkar and Globalisation At the outset, to speak about Ambedkar in relation to globalisation, which represents a paradigmatic transformation of global capitalism into its extremist version, is fundamentally speculative. But there are enough fools who rush in where angels fear to tread . Since they cannot rationally…

India’s Private Banks and Private Investors: False Theory, Dangerous Consequences

India’s Private Banks and Private Investors: False Theory, Dangerous Consequences India’s private sector banks were held up for years as the standard of efficency and corporate governance to which public sector banks should aspire. But now it emerges that private bank after private bank has in fact been harbouring bad debts, fudged accounts, engaged in…