Manmohan Singh’s Contribution to India’s Rightward Drift

Manmohan Singh’s Contribution to India’s Rightward Drift

Tributes to Singh as a person are well-deserved, but the focus needs to be on his contributions to the nation’s journey. As an economist, he knew of the adverse impact of the paradigm shift he set in motion in 1991. It is an important reason why the Right has become such a dominant force in Indian politics and society.

Nehru’s Era: The Past Embedded in the Present
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Nehru’s Era: The Past Embedded in the Present

Nehru emerged from the national movement which had worked to unite all Indians. The leadership appealed to the higher instincts of people to work towards a common goal of living in harmony and progress…. In brief, Nehru’s era was transformative in spite of the enormous difficulties that existed. It paved the path to the nation having 224 times more capital today compared to 1950.

The Black Economy in India: `Na Khaunga Na Khane Dunga’ a Non-Starter
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The Black Economy in India: `Na Khaunga Na Khane Dunga’ a Non-Starter

To tackle the black economy, the government has tried steps like Foreign Money Bill, Income Declaration Scheme and demonetization. These and other such steps have failed because of the growing illegality fueled by a Triad between the corrupt businessmen, politicians and the executive.

The Unfulfilled Promises of a Structurally Flawed GST: Assessing its Impact During Six Years of its Operation

The Unfulfilled Promises of a Structurally Flawed GST: Assessing its Impact During Six Years of its Operation

GST has been in operation since July 1, 2017. It was billed as the second freedom since it was supposed to unify the `fragmented’ Indian market. In the six years that have elapsed, has it fulfilled the promises that its proponents had vociferously claimed for it.

Enabling Selective Illegality Behind the Façade of Democratic Functioning
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Enabling Selective Illegality Behind the Façade of Democratic Functioning

The SC appointed Expert Committee on the Adani-Hindenburg issue hides behind a technicality to conclude that there was no regulatory failure. Behind the façade of democracy and functioning of the democratic institutions, illegality is being selectively allowed to consolidate the ruling party’s power – financial, social, and political.