Why Is There No Upper Caste Outcry When Merit Goes for a Toss in the EWS Quota?
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Why Is There No Upper Caste Outcry When Merit Goes for a Toss in the EWS Quota?

For centuries, those who have reserved all the opportunities for themselves have started considering their talent as natural. They do not realise the injustice and tyranny hidden within the social structure which makes them owners of merit by robbing others of their merit.

Why Bhagat Singh Was Not the Ultimate Militant Nationalist He’s Made Out to Be
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Why Bhagat Singh Was Not the Ultimate Militant Nationalist He’s Made Out to Be

His careful reading of the history of the revolutions led him to conclude that revolutions were not made by bombs and pistols – the most important thing was to mobilise people, a far more difficult prospect. The real battle was the battle of hearts and minds.

Kali Faces the Wrath of a Hindi Colonialism Out to Destroy the Traditions of Her Followers
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Kali Faces the Wrath of a Hindi Colonialism Out to Destroy the Traditions of Her Followers

Hindus outside the Hindi belt have always treated their gods and goddesses as part of the family. They tease them and also pray to them. Their gods and goddesses eat, drink and make merry, just like them. The RSS resents this human-divine proximity.

Tripura Police Stood By and Let Violence Happen – Now it’s Silencing Those Who Dare Speak of it
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Tripura Police Stood By and Let Violence Happen – Now it’s Silencing Those Who Dare Speak of it

Indian Muslims and Christians have been forced into psychological and political isolation. Hate against minorities is part of the BJP’s ideology, but what about our police, our civil administration, our judiciary? Do they exist to facilitate the politics and project of the BJP?

From the Targeting of Shahrukh Khan’s Son to Urdu, At Play Is Insecurity of the Hindutva Mindset

From the Targeting of Shahrukh Khan’s Son to Urdu, At Play Is Insecurity of the Hindutva Mindset

The public humiliation of one of the most sought after Muslim men in India is aimed at appeasing the injured manhood of those who suffer from the sense of sexual inferiority cultivated for over a century by Hindutva groups.

The World Must Pay Attention to the Violence Against Muslims in India
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The World Must Pay Attention to the Violence Against Muslims in India

Recent incidents in Indore and Ajmer explain why it is urgent for the global community to tell the Indian government that its actions are being watched and it will be held accountable according to international norms which all civilised countries have for their attitude towards minorities.