140 Years Since the Berlin Congress: The New Scramble for Africa
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140 Years Since the Berlin Congress: The New Scramble for Africa

Driven by internal crises and faced with the rapidly declining position of US and European imperialism on the world scale, the African continent and its rich resources are increasingly seen as a necessary means for their other war fronts.

King Was Not a Pacifist: He Was an Anti-Imperialist
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King Was Not a Pacifist: He Was an Anti-Imperialist

In his condemnation of the U.S. war on the people of Vietnam, Martin Luther King Jr.’s stance was not a pacifist one. King was not necessarily anti-war so much as he was against the U.S. empire and its machinations against the Vietnamese and their generational struggle for self-determination.

Bertrand Russell: Redefining the Public Intellectual in an Era of Rising Authoritarianism
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Bertrand Russell: Redefining the Public Intellectual in an Era of Rising Authoritarianism

To remember Russell is to remember the indispensable role of hope in the face of despair, the necessity of resistance when the specter of fascism is with us once again, and the moral obligation to imagine and fight for a world yet to be born.