The Mass Deportation Handoff, Biden to Trump, and the Booming Border-Industrial Complex
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The Mass Deportation Handoff, Biden to Trump, and the Booming Border-Industrial Complex

Trump’s invasion and deportation spiels have not only proved popular with his large constituency but also with private prison companies like GEO Group and others building the present and future nightmarish infrastructure for a world of deportation.

The Future of Sea Level Rise with Professor Peter Wadhams
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The Future of Sea Level Rise with Professor Peter Wadhams

The outlook for sea level rise has never been more pertinent and never so threatening. Global warming is running so far ahead of schedule, the dreaded +1.5°C pre-industrial already knocking on the door, as science consistently plays catchup, and sea level rise is one threat that may be on deck much sooner than anybody thought possible.

While Plastic Dominates Human Consumption, the Global Economy Will Remain Hooked on Fossil Fuels
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While Plastic Dominates Human Consumption, the Global Economy Will Remain Hooked on Fossil Fuels

In early December 2024, hopes for a landmark global treaty to curb plastic pollution were dashed as negotiations in South Korea stalled. Leading the campaign against the deal were major oil-producing nations, especially Saudi Arabia and Russia, who argued for a more flexible approach to any legally binding limits on plastic manufacturing.

Who was Hansa Mehta, Tireless Feminist and ‘Founding Mother of the Indian Republic’?
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Who was Hansa Mehta, Tireless Feminist and ‘Founding Mother of the Indian Republic’?

Mehta’s greatest contribution in the Constituent Assembly was to the cause of women’s rights. As one of only fifteen women members in the Constituent Assembly, her constant demand for equal rights for women shaped the nature of the Constitution.