Millions Waiting: One Exam for the Promised Jobs
In 2020, PM Narendra Modi promised a common eligibility exam to hire young Indians for jobs in the Union government. Four years later, the youth are still waiting.
India’s oldest Socialist Weekly!
Editor: Dr. G.G. Parikh | Associate Editor: Neeraj Jain | Managing Editor: Guddi
In 2020, PM Narendra Modi promised a common eligibility exam to hire young Indians for jobs in the Union government. Four years later, the youth are still waiting.
There are only estimates of India’s gig workforce, and this lack of data is one of the reasons why gig workers are largely bereft of social security in a little-regulated gig sector, say experts.
Girish Karnad: “Communalism was the one issue which made me feel that if I didn’t actively fight it I would still be making a political statement. I felt I had to take a stand.”
The recently released report from the MoSPI provides some estimates of how the value of agricultural output has changed since 2011-12. The broad national picture of both agricultural output and specifically crop output should be worrying for anyone concerned with the Indian economy and the fate of its people.
The recent passage of The Nagaland Municipal Bill, 2023 in Nagaland, which provides 33% reservation for women in Urban Local Governments, signifies a substantial shift in gender perspectives in the state.
This paper attempts to examine the following questions. Does Islam provide for gender equality? To what extent this equality of sexes is found in practice in Islamic societies? Are there any deviations from the scriptural precepts of gender equality? What reformative measures have been undertaken in Muslim countries to improve the status of women by enacting laws?
Biblical flooding, scorching heat, collapsing grid system, animals crumbling, waters rising, crops wilting, economy on the brink, and millions displaced. Welcome to the future of climate change… Pakistan.
François Kamate, a young climate and human rights defender from Democratic Republic of Congo, speaks on the current security, humanitarian, and ecological crises in the DRC.
The emerging social order in Mexico – based on rising living standards and stronger social welfare – is the result of AMLO’s state-led nationalist-developmentalist capitalism. Sheinbaum has now received a major mandate to consolidate it.
On January 15, 2024, Bernardo Arévalo was sworn in as President of Guatemala. A month later, President Nayib Bukele was unconstitutionally re-elected to a second term in El Salvador. What will the future of these two presidencies look like for human rights defenders?
Janata Weekly is India’s oldest independent socialist weekly.
Ever since its founding in 1946, Janata has voiced its principled dissent against all conduct and practice that is detrimental to the cherished values of nationalism, democracy, secularism and socialism, while upholding the integrity and the ethical norms of healthy journalism. For more than seventy years now, week after week, it has continued to analyse the changes taking place in the country and the world from a socialist standpoint, and thus promote the spread of socialist ideology in the country.
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