Half-Hearted Constitutionalism: The Supreme Court’s Self-Created Conundrums
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Half-Hearted Constitutionalism: The Supreme Court’s Self-Created Conundrums

Even though the Chief Justice of India’s past record gave the nation hope for transformative judicial reform to uphold constitutional morality and fortify fundamental rights under attack from the executive, his tenure has thus far been marked by one letdown after another.

The EAC-PM’s Paper on ‘Muslim Population’ Is a Travesty of Research Practices
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The EAC-PM’s Paper on ‘Muslim Population’ Is a Travesty of Research Practices

An EAC-PM paper claims that the Hindu share of India’s population has fallen between 1950 and 2015 by 7.8%, while that of Muslims has increased by 43% over the same period. The authors question the methodology followed in the paper and hence its findings. Also, extract from: Banjot Kaur, ‘Fact Check: Old Data, New Spin in PM-EAC Report on India’s Population’.

US: Pro-Palestinian Campus Protests Grow; History Repeating Itself – 2 Articles
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US: Pro-Palestinian Campus Protests Grow; History Repeating Itself – 2 Articles

A massive anti-imperialist movement has returned to US campuses, after decades of absence. In just 2 weeks, thousands of students from at least 140 colleges and universities joined in solidarity with the pro-Palestinian encampments, in the biggest anti-war student movement since Vietnam.

For the Defense of the Alliance of Sahel States
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For the Defense of the Alliance of Sahel States

The Alliance of Sahel States is presently at the forefront of Africa’s struggle against imperialism. What began as a national liberation struggle in each member state has rapidly consolidated into a Pan-African union for the complete emancipation of Africa.

The CIA Overthrow of Kwame Nkrumah and the Struggle Against Neo-Colonialism in West Africa Today
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The CIA Overthrow of Kwame Nkrumah and the Struggle Against Neo-Colonialism in West Africa Today

In West Africa, several new governments have formed on the basis of political and economic sovereignty, rejecting the neo-colonial domination that has reigned on the continent since the mid-20th century. A lookback to the case of Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana’s first president, to understand some of the ways U.S. imperialism may potentially respond to these developments.

The Financialisation of Farmland and the War on Food and Farming

The Financialisation of Farmland and the War on Food and Farming

A new report says that agricultural land is increasingly being turned into a financial asset at the expense of small- and medium-scale farming. Agribusiness and investors are seeking to secure land for export commodity production and urging governments to deregulate land markets and adopt pro-investor policies.