Erasing the Past, Blinding the Future
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Erasing the Past, Blinding the Future

The new ‘edition’ of textbooks released by the NCERT has deleted chapters on Mughal history and this raised a storm. History does not exist for the liking and disliking of individuals, it just is. It exists for us to learn from. If it offends someone, even better. Because then one is less likely to repeat it.

On May 9, What Could Amit Shah Say on Rabindranath Tagore, the High Priest of Harmony?
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On May 9, What Could Amit Shah Say on Rabindranath Tagore, the High Priest of Harmony?

Despite championing communal, caste and class harmony all his life, Tagore in some of his early work did glorify Maratha, Sikh and Rajput valour against Mughals. These have become favourites of the Hindutva forces.

The US Military Industrial Complex Is Alive and Well – Two Articles

The US Military Industrial Complex Is Alive and Well – Two Articles

The military-industrial complex that President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned Americans about more than 60 years ago is still alive and well. In fact, it’s consuming many more tax dollars and feeding far larger weapons producers than when Ike raised the alarm. Also: “US Makes Up c 40% of Global Military Spending, 10x Russia, 3x China”.

Lula’s Return and the Legacy of Destruction

Lula’s Return and the Legacy of Destruction

Even if the Lula Government succeeds in undoing most of the measures implemented by the last government and confronting the structural problems within the economy, with its extreme inequality and privileges, the contradictions made explicit by the class struggle will remain, hindering the adoption of more progressive measures.