Stop Criminalizing Journalism and Human Rights Activism: Release Irfan Mehraj and Parvez Khurram
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Stop Criminalizing Journalism and Human Rights Activism: Release Irfan Mehraj and Parvez Khurram

The criminalisation of journalism and human rights activities in Jammu and Kashmir, as well as other parts of India, must stop. Freedom of expression and the right to know are fundamental rights. A free press is essential for giving people a voice and making information available to them.

Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Iraq War – 2 Articles
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Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Iraq War – 2 Articles

“American Dream, Global Nightmare: On the Origins of the Iraq War” – this piece was written in 2003, it still stands up fairly well. Also: “20 Years Later, the Stain of Corporate Media’s Role in Promoting Iraq War Remains”.

U.S. Government Bailout of Silicon Valley and Banks Is $300B Gift to Rich Oligarchs – 2 Articles

U.S. Government Bailout of Silicon Valley and Banks Is $300B Gift to Rich Oligarchs – 2 Articles

The U.S. government printed $300 billion in a week to save collapsing banks and bail out Silicon Valley oligarchs and venture capital firms, paying them all of their uninsured deposits. Also: “Credit Suisse and the Power of Money”.