Cuba Keeps Sending ‘Doctors, not Bombs’ All Across the World; Also: Cuba, Between Dreams and Realities
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Cuba Keeps Sending ‘Doctors, not Bombs’ All Across the World; Also: Cuba, Between Dreams and Realities

Amongst the successes of the Cuban Revolution is Cuba’s unequaled solidarity with the world. Fidel’s “doctors, not bombs” speech implicitly contrasted his country with the US, which is by far the world’s largest arms supplier while helping less and less with humanitarian aid.

Amartya Sen’s Work Shows Us the Human Cost of Capitalist Development
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Amartya Sen’s Work Shows Us the Human Cost of Capitalist Development

His work is two-sided (or contradictory). Sen punches big holes in mainstream explanations for manifestations of poverty and deprivation that are caused, often directly, by capitalist development. And at the same time, Sen sets out a vision of development that promotes the expansion of capitalist markets.

A Sweet Solution? India’s Push to Use Sugar for Fuel May Create More Problems Than it Solves
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A Sweet Solution? India’s Push to Use Sugar for Fuel May Create More Problems Than it Solves

India, the world’s second-largest sugar producer, has started to turn its surplus into bioethanol as it strives to lower energy costs and meet climate pledges. However, this ignores greenhouse gas emissions embedded in the ethanol supply chain. There are also several other problems.

Fifty Years of Chipko Movement Clear Pathways For Other Struggles to Save Ecosystems, and Life
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Fifty Years of Chipko Movement Clear Pathways For Other Struggles to Save Ecosystems, and Life

This year, 2023 will mark the fiftieth anniversary of the historic Chipko Movement, in which vilagers were involved in protecting trees in natural forests from being axed by contractors or government agencies, in the bargain asserting more local rights over forests.

Clean Energy or New Weapons: What the Fusion Breakthrough Really Means
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Clean Energy or New Weapons: What the Fusion Breakthrough Really Means

The US claim that it had achieved “ignition” in nuclear fusion is being hailed as a step into a fossil fuel-free energy future. However, generating electrical power from fusion commercially or at an industrial scale is likely unattainable in the near future; this experiment will only help the US further develop its destructive nuclear weapons arsenal.