“Where the Mind Is Without Fear”
Poem in honor of Rabindranath Thakur.
India’s oldest Socialist Weekly!
Editor: Dr. G.G. Parikh | Associate Editor: Neeraj Jain | Managing Editor: Guddi
Poem in honor of Rabindranath Thakur.
For Muslims to ‘prove’ their loyalty to the state, they have to find ‘outsiders’ from among themselves and hand them over to the state.
The 2021 Census has been indefinitely postponed with doubts about whether it will even continue in its present form. The governments of both colonial and independent India have drawn on the census for their own purposes, but it always was a rich source of quality data.
Though there are several constitutional infirmities in the proposed NRC exercise itself, when it combines with the CAA, it directly and inevitably puts mainly the Muslim citizens of India at the risk of losing citizenship. Hence, the same is discriminatory and falls foul of both Article 14 and the basic feature of secularism enshrined in the Constitution of India.
So-called electricity markets were created to help private capital, not people. It is time we wound up these bogus markets and returned public services to people, to run cooperatively for their benefit.
Since 2019, cyclones and floods in the coastal state have taken a heavy toll on agriculture.
That the Aam Aadmi Party is trying to beat the Bharatiya Janata Party at its own game has been evident over the past couple of years.
Reflections on the nature of remembering and perpetuating the ruler from the third century BCE and the link between the past and the present.
The Queen contributed nothing to the common weal and represented all that is reactionary about the society in which she and her parasitic brood exist. The sheer extent of royal sponging off the public is something to behold. Also, a look at how the hereditary power of the royal family still has an impact on the course of British political life.
Climate imperialism has emerged as a new—and potentially even the most lethal—form of imperialism in the world economy today. Confronting it requires recognizing and dealing with all its different aspects. But it also requires addressing the monopolies of knowledge created by the WTO.
Janata Weekly is India’s oldest independent socialist weekly.
Ever since its founding in 1946, Janata has voiced its principled dissent against all conduct and practice that is detrimental to the cherished values of nationalism, democracy, secularism and socialism, while upholding the integrity and the ethical norms of healthy journalism. For more than seventy years now, week after week, it has continued to analyse the changes taking place in the country and the world from a socialist standpoint, and thus promote the spread of socialist ideology in the country.
Address: D-15, Ganesh Prasad, Naushir Bharucha Marg, Mumbai- 400007.