When History Tells Us to Get On With the Struggle
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When History Tells Us to Get On With the Struggle

Review of Meredith Tax’s ‘The Rising of Women: Feminist Solidarity and Class Conflict, 1880-1917’. In telling this story of the struggle for working women’s rights, the author says that differences among those fighting for social justice should not be an excuse not to seek common ground and get on with the struggle.

Dowry Was Banned 60 Years Ago. But Cases Are Rising, While Grieving Families Find Justice Harder Than Ever
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Dowry Was Banned 60 Years Ago. But Cases Are Rising, While Grieving Families Find Justice Harder Than Ever

More than 18 women die every day in India in violence related to demands for dowry, which was outlawed in 1961. The number of complaints against dowry demands and related violence rose 25% in 2021 over the previous year. The conviction rate has plunged, as many who complain eventually compromise.

The Narmada Sardar Sarovar Project: The Truth About the Dam(Ned) Delay
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The Narmada Sardar Sarovar Project: The Truth About the Dam(Ned) Delay

Recently, PM Modi put the blame for delay in implementation of the Sardar Sarovar Project on “urban naxals and anti-development elements”. This is not merely wrong and unfair, but reflects regrettable ignorance of ground realities.

Iran’s Govt Scrambles to Contain Unrest as it Spreads to More Towns and Cities; Also: Press Release by IMSD
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Iran’s Govt Scrambles to Contain Unrest as it Spreads to More Towns and Cities; Also: Press Release by IMSD

The large-scale protests against the Iranian government over the custodial death of a 22-year-old Kurdish woman who was arrested by the country’s notorious “morality” police for allegedly violating the strict law on headscarves has reportedly spread to about 80 cities and towns.

The Nightmare of Military Spending on an Overheating Planet
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The Nightmare of Military Spending on an Overheating Planet

On just what it means, in climate terms, for the U.S., no matter the administration, to pour ever more taxpayer dollars into the Pentagon and the rest of the national security state. It’s long been a commonplace to claim that war is hell. Sadly enough, that way of life is now all too literally the path to hell.

The US and Israel Are Standing in the Way of Iran Nuclear Agreement
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The US and Israel Are Standing in the Way of Iran Nuclear Agreement

Current talks between Washington and Tehran’s rulers to restore the 2015 nuclear agreement have been stalled, and there is little hope that progress will be made any time soon. Naturally, the U.S. places the blame on Tehran. However, U.S. propaganda grossly distorts the reality of the situation.