Ali Ibrahim Khan and Narendra Modi: the Past and Present of Kashi Vishwanath
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Ali Ibrahim Khan and Narendra Modi: the Past and Present of Kashi Vishwanath

The Prime Minister thanks Maharani Ahilya Bai Holkar and Maharaja Ranjit Singh for being the inspiration behind the Kashi Vishwanath Corridor Project. However, both of these did not construct the corridor. It was built by Nawab Ali Ibrahim Khan, whom the PM has chosen to ignore.

Covid-19 and the Informalisation of India’s Salaried Workers
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Covid-19 and the Informalisation of India’s Salaried Workers

The pandemic forced a fraction of India’s salaried workers to fall back on self-employment or casual work, or to withdraw from the workforce entirely. It was only the salaried who held secure and regular positions who were able to hold on to their jobs.

Public Private Partnerships – Subsidy and Impunity for Private Corporations
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Public Private Partnerships – Subsidy and Impunity for Private Corporations

According to the currently dominant ideology, the private sector is more competent, efficient, and technologically capable than the public sector, and thus public-private partnerships save public money. An examination of these claims, through the case study of the Delhi Airport Metro.

Some Reflections on Nehru and Journalism Today
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Some Reflections on Nehru and Journalism Today

Even as human vultures of a wide amalgam train their guns on Nehru’s years as Prime Minister, and his role in India’s freedom struggle, what stands out today are many of Nehru’s thoughtful writings, his regular press conferences, and of course his thoughts on freedom of the press and journalists’ rights and freedom.

The Age of the Unicorn, Brought to You by IIT Kharagpur
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The Age of the Unicorn, Brought to You by IIT Kharagpur

The geniuses at IIT Kharagpur have come up with a new hoax. They have declared the unicorn that appears on Indus valley seals to be a representation of “sage Risya Sringa” of the Ramayana, thus “proving” that those ancient carvers of the Indus valley seals were one and the same as the Vedic people.

21st Century US Coups and Attempted Coups in Latin America
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21st Century US Coups and Attempted Coups in Latin America

During the 21st century, the US rulers have turned to a new coup strategy, relying on soft coups, a significant change from the notoriously brutal military hard coups in Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, and other countries in the 1970s. A list of 27 US-backed coups in the first 21 years of this century.

A Year Later, Justice for the Insurrection Remains Elusive
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A Year Later, Justice for the Insurrection Remains Elusive

As we come upon the first anniversary of the Jan. 6 insurrection, it is tempting to give in to despair about collective White violence, impunity, and criminal activity yet again going unpunished. A study found a whopping 21 million Americans share the values of the insurrectionists.

China’s Lockdown in Xi’an Suppressing Covid-19 Outbreak
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China’s Lockdown in Xi’an Suppressing Covid-19 Outbreak

The lockdown underway in the Chinese city of Xi’an demonstrates again that public health measures combined with vaccination can suppress COVID-19 outbreaks. It stands in stark contrast to the disastrous policies of the USA and other governments that have allowed the virus to run rampant through their populations.