Environmental and Toxic Impacts of Bottled Water – 2 Articles
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Environmental and Toxic Impacts of Bottled Water – 2 Articles

Decades of indifference to public investment led to the persistence of lead-tainted water which, in turn, forces citizens to rely on privatized bottled water as the only safe and potable option. Also: Environmental Impact of Bottled Water Up to 3,500 Times Greater than Tap Water.

Lasting Environmental and Health Impacts of U.S. Chemical Warfare in Southeast Asia – 50 Years on
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Lasting Environmental and Health Impacts of U.S. Chemical Warfare in Southeast Asia – 50 Years on

As part of the Vietnam War, US military sprayed more than 20 million gallons of herbicide on Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia – the campaign destroyed five millions acres of forest and untold millions of acres of crops (including rice). It continues to impact these countries till today.

Why the UK (and US) Left Is Wrong to Be So Dismissive of Non-Violent Struggle
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Why the UK (and US) Left Is Wrong to Be So Dismissive of Non-Violent Struggle

It has become fashionable to dismiss peaceful forms of resistance to injustice – but the evidence suggests they should be taken seriously. A response to some of the myths often repeated on the Left about non-violent struggle.

Defying Empire: Cuba’s Contributions to the Fight Against Racism and White Supremacy
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Defying Empire: Cuba’s Contributions to the Fight Against Racism and White Supremacy

Cuba remains under intense attack by the Empire precisely because no other country in the world has contributed so much and in so many ways to the struggle against white supremacy and what it represents.

Tipu Sultan: A Legacy Dignified, Yet Despised
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Tipu Sultan: A Legacy Dignified, Yet Despised

Not many Indian rulers have faced the wrath of historians as badly as the Mysore Tiger. He ranks way above the usually celebrated and worshipped personalities of ancient and medieval India in innovation, technological proclivity, secular outlook, social commitment and above all, patriotism.

Greta Thunberg’s Powerful Anti-Capitalist Speech in Glasgow
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Greta Thunberg’s Powerful Anti-Capitalist Speech in Glasgow

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg spoke on Nov. 8 at a rally of 100,000 in Glasgow: “The question we must now ask ourselves is: What is it that we are fighting for? Are we fighting to save ourselves and the living planet, or are we fighting to maintain business as usual?”