Five Years Later, it’s Even More Clear that Demonetisation was a Disaster for India
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Five Years Later, it’s Even More Clear that Demonetisation was a Disaster for India

The BJP claims that demonetisation showed the resolve of the government to fight black money and corruption, and the travails faced by the people due to it were a small sacrifice for the gains of demonetisation. An examination of these claims made by the BJP, and the real impact of demonetisation on the economy.

Disinformation: A New Type of State-Sponsored Violence
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Disinformation: A New Type of State-Sponsored Violence

While attempts by the ruling party to control the media and the messaging are not new in India, what we see now is the use of new technology to ‘curate’ and exercise ‘centralised control’ to spread disinformation in order to harass and intimidate critics.

World Gathering of Peoples for Our Mother Earth and Against the Climate Crisis – Conclusions Document
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World Gathering of Peoples for Our Mother Earth and Against the Climate Crisis – Conclusions Document

Measures and actions proposed by the Global Encounter of Peoples for our Mother Earth and against the Climate Crisis to curb the climate disruption and restoring the balance with our Mother Earth.

Twelve Years After Coup, Honduran Resistance Fights for Fair Election
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Twelve Years After Coup, Honduran Resistance Fights for Fair Election

The 2009 coup in Honduras is responsible for the deepening of the crisis and social, economic, and political chaos in the country. But today, we have an alternative: the LIBRE Party and our candidate Xiomara Castro. She is the only candidate with a plan with a social and humanistic approach.