My Bindi Does Not Speak My Culture – The Burden of Propriety on Indian Women
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My Bindi Does Not Speak My Culture – The Burden of Propriety on Indian Women

It is the blatant objectification of women in these tweets that is deeply troublesome, and not merely because women such as I don’t prefer our appearance being compared to poorly prepared Indian food items. The plea, rather, is against the sermon by men on what ‘completes’ a woman’s look.

Narrative Traps in India’s Decision-Making
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Narrative Traps in India’s Decision-Making

Powerful narratives envelop India’s deeply troubled relationships with Pakistan and China. Fundamentally, these narratives are stories about the way things ought to be. They may help make decisions easier for leaderships that lack erudition but the consequences of such decisions can be deleterious.

New Era of US Financial Warfare
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New Era of US Financial Warfare

In 2004, the US launched a whole new strategy of financial war, with the creation of the Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, to utilise Washington’s financial leverage, based on the global domination of the U.S. dollar, to cut off the economic circulation of targeted states.

Powell Lied, People Died; Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied
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Powell Lied, People Died; Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied

The process of seeking justice for the victims of Nazism has been long and difficult, but at least it’s still pursued. The process of seeking justice for the victims of Powell, Rumsfeld and other architects of the Iraq war that led to deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis hasn’t even begun.