Venezuela’s Popular Democracy Under Siege: A Conversation with Elías Jaua

Venezuela’s Popular Democracy Under Siege: A Conversation with Elías Jaua

In Venezuelan society, there are millions of seeds that haven’t germinated yet. But rest assured: they will. The role of the revolutionaries is to open the furrows so that those seeds can sprout and the plants bloom making for a new harvest, in a time that is to come sooner rather than later.

Commemorating  164th anniversary of India’s First War of Independence 1857
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Commemorating 164th anniversary of India’s First War of Independence 1857

Almost 170 years ago, the people of this country, belonging to all religions, regions and strata, rose in revolt from Kashmir to Madras and Sylhet to the borders of Afghanistan, against British colonial rule. Our rulers have allowed this glorious saga of commitment and sacrifices to be forgotten.