India’s Right-Wing Government Is So Hungry for Profit It Will Risk a Famine
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India’s Right-Wing Government Is So Hungry for Profit It Will Risk a Famine

India’s top 1 percent in today’s “Billionaire Raj” have a similar share of the national income as the top 1 percent did under the British Raj. With Modi’s three farm laws, the “Billionaire Raj” is preparing to turn India back from a country of hunger to a country of famine.

As Farmers’ Struggle Completes 100 Days: News from Across the Country
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As Farmers’ Struggle Completes 100 Days: News from Across the Country

Mahapanchayats in Madhya Pradesh; Despite intense repression, Gujarat farmers form new organisation to oppose farm laws; Padyatras, rallies taking place across the country; Farmers and workers come together to oppose privatisation of public sector banks and insurance; and more.

An American Doctor Went to India Last Year to Care for Protesting Farmers. The Conditions on the Ground Convinced Him to Stay

An American Doctor Went to India Last Year to Care for Protesting Farmers. The Conditions on the Ground Convinced Him to Stay

Dr. Swaiman Singh, a cardiologist from the US, put his career on hold to come to Delhi border and provide free medical services to farmers protesting in India. He came down for a week last December, and has stayed on.

It is Possible to Ensure Farmers’ Right to Remunerative Prices Through a Legal Recourse

It is Possible to Ensure Farmers’ Right to Remunerative Prices Through a Legal Recourse

It is possible to arrest the price fall below the Statutory Minimum Purchase Price (SMPP) based on either MSP or cost of cultivation for the main farm commodities – if the government takes the steps proposed in this article. It wouldn’t even cost much.