Punjab Ground Report: Six Months on, Farm Protest Remains Strong – and United
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Punjab Ground Report: Six Months on, Farm Protest Remains Strong – and United

Punjabi poet Gurbhajan Gill says, “It may have started with farmers, but now this has become an outburst of anger against Modi’s arrogance by all sections of the society in the state.” Support for the movement cuts across community lines in the state.

In France’s Longest Protests Since 1968, Striking Workers Continue the Fight Against Neoliberalism
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In France’s Longest Protests Since 1968, Striking Workers Continue the Fight Against Neoliberalism

In mid-January 2021, nationwide protests against the government of Emanuel Macron in France entered their seventh continuous week. Lakhs of workers are out on the streets, opposing Macron’s plans to dismantle France’s substantial welfare state.

The Legacy of Baek Ki Wan: a South Korean Icon for Democracy and Reunification

The Legacy of Baek Ki Wan: a South Korean Icon for Democracy and Reunification

Baek Ki Wan, the quiet, thoughtful, progressive conscience of South Korea, and its most impassioned, idealistic voice for reunification, passsed away on Feb 15th, at the age of 89. If the old saw, “the pen is mightier than the sword” has any meaning, it might well apply to Baek.