Budget 2021 Utterly Disregards the Education Catastrophe Inflicted by COVID-19

Budget 2021 Utterly Disregards the Education Catastrophe Inflicted by COVID-19

An education catastrophe existed even before the pandemic, but it is clearly exacerbated now. Yet like every year, this year too the Ministry of Education’s allocation is whittled down to a fraction of its ask. To ignore it so comprehensively defies all logic.

Whither Right to Food? Social Security Scheme Allocation for Woman, Child ‘Reduced’

Whither Right to Food? Social Security Scheme Allocation for Woman, Child ‘Reduced’

At a time of growing hunger and malnutrition, the Union Budget 2021 has actually reduced allocations for crucial social security schemes such as the ICDS, midday meals, maternity entitlements, and the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act.

131st Birth Anniversary of Frontier Gandhi Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan–Who?

131st Birth Anniversary of Frontier Gandhi Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan–Who?

February 6 is the birth anniversary of Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, a prominent Indian freedom fighter, and a die-hard opponent of the two-nation theory and the idea of Pakistan. A firm believer in non-violence, he enjoyed the same stature in the NWFP as Gandhi had in India.