Who Are the Real Invaders on Planet Earth?

Who Are the Real Invaders on Planet Earth?

He crossed the border without permission or, as far as I could tell, documentation of any sort. I’m speaking about Donald Trump’s uninvited, unasked-for invasion of my personal space. He’s there daily, often hourly, whether I like it or not, and I don’t have a Department of Homeland Security to separate him from his children,…

Green-smearing from Nicaragua to Bolivia

Green-smearing from Nicaragua to Bolivia

On one level the intensifying deceit of Western media foreign affairs coverage corresponds to the increasing desperation of Western elites confronting their failing global power and influence. But it also signals yet another crisis of capitalist economic growth. After 1945, North America and Western Europe based their genocidal imperialism on a social compact promising prosperity…

Gandhian Value of Non-Violence and Method of Satyagrah More Relevant Now

Gandhian Value of Non-Violence and Method of Satyagrah More Relevant Now

Two central values that Mahatma Gandhi espoused were truth and non-violence. He used them successfully in his method of Satyagrah in an attempt to change the heart of his adversary. There are organisations and countries which adopt violence as a tool to achieve their objective but ultimately come around to non-violent methods like dialogue and…

Article 370, Federalism and the Basic Structure of the Constitution

Article 370, Federalism and the Basic Structure of the Constitution

The Article 370 debate is back centre-stage. The new Union Home Minister, Amit Shah, has made a detailed statement on Article 370 after his return from Kashmir. In tune with his party’s ideological position, he has yet again termed this constitutional provision as “temporary”. At the same time he has been candid enough to confess…

Where Pellets Blind Young Minds

Where Pellets Blind Young Minds

Why were several prominent parliamentarians from the Opposition parties denied entry into the Kashmir Valley? So that they don’t get to hear human cries; those appeals to be set free from their cage, from the clampdown, from the barbarity unleashed on hapless residents of the Valley. Together with that, these parliamentarians don’t even get to…

The Systemic Crisis of World Capitalism

The Systemic Crisis of World Capitalism

The hallmark of a systemic, as distinct from a cyclical or sporadic, crisis of capitalism is that every effort to resolve the crisis within the broad confines of the system, defined in terms of its prevailing class configuration, only worsens the crisis. It is in this sense that neoliberal capitalism has now entered a systemic…

Pash: Life and Works of a Revolutionary Poet

Pash: Life and Works of a Revolutionary Poet

Avtar Singh Sandhu, popularly known by his nom de plume, Pash, was arguably the most influential political Punjabi poet of the 20th century. His works include Loh-Katha (Iron Tale, 1970), Uddian Bazan Magar (Following the Flying Hawks, 1973), Saade Samiyan Vich (In Our Times, 1978), and the posthumously published collection Khilre Hoye Varkey (Scattered Pages,…

No One to Save Us But Ourselves

No One to Save Us But Ourselves

The 2018 report from the International Panel on Climate Change gave us 12 years to cut global emissions in half, propelling the issue of Climate Emergency into the public eye in a manner hitherto unprecedented. The consequences of ongoing environmental disaster had been apparent for some time, particularly in parts of the global south, but…