Pentagon to Biden: Latin America a Major Battlefield in War with China
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Pentagon to Biden: Latin America a Major Battlefield in War with China

The Pentagon has already submitted briefs to the incoming Biden administration arguing that Washington must escalate its drive to assert imperialist hegemony over the lands to its south as part of its preparations for a global confrontation with China.

How the Green Revolution Is Harming Africa
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How the Green Revolution Is Harming Africa

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has awarded this year’s Nobel Peace Prize to the United Nations World Food Programme, declaring that it wanted “to turn the eyes of the world toward the millions of people who suffer from or face the threat of hunger.” Those numbers are now greater than ever – and the dysfunctional global…

The United States Is Not a Democracy
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The United States Is Not a Democracy

The United States boasts one of the most farcical democratic systems to have been invented. The country’s constitution is an eighteenth-century relic penned by merchants and slave owners, amendments to which can be blocked by as few as 13 states representing less than 4 percent of the population. Its Supreme Court, conservative by nature and…